By Queenett Irori
The harvest chairman of St Stephen’s Anglican church, ESV Samuel Irori, has charged christians to sustain a heart of gratitude to God, “mostly for keeping us hale and hearty, despite the unfavourable economic situation in Nigeria.”
Irori who stated this on the occasion of the church annual adult harvest with the theme, “harvest of steadfast faith,” noted that ” we can’t be more grateful to God for his love and mercies shown towards us as many who wished to be alive, irrespective of their wealth and power, failed to resist their death hence, our need to remain steadfast in thanking God for life, in the kindest way which also include giving generously for the promotion of God’s work.”

In connection to the chairman’s address, Evangelist Simon Eriegure, the guest preacher of the occassion, explained that “honoring God can best be expressed in the quality of substance and gratefulness of heart, displayed during church harvest that is usually held annually.”
Continuing, Eriegure stated that “sometimes when God wants to bless people, sacrificial giving, which could come as a test to our faith is required, as seen in the case of Father Abraham in the bible.”
“Those that fear and obey God will not hesitate in giving to him sacrificially knowing that all they ever have are from God as he alone giveth power to make wealth” he added.
Activities in the harvest service included special thanksgiving offering and dance by prayer meeting groups, who were all colourfully adorned in their different group attires.
The harvest thanksgiving also featured a second session for opening of Dish , the chairman individual capacity chief Oghenekevwe Ichipi called on members of the church to donate generously to the work of God.
“Giving is a kingdom principle and a law of life, giving and prosperity are interrelated” he stated .
Also chairman of favour men prayer meeting , Mr Peter Emabamidje Rese , said harvest is an opportunity to sow in God vineyard as he is able to reward everyone accordingly .
For their part chairperson Hannah prayer meeting Mrs Egere Rachael Ochuko and chairperson of Ebruphiyo prayer meeting Mrs Rose Oyibo noted that thanksgiving is an opportunity to say Thank you to God for all he has done for us.
They commended the church members for their cooperation and contributions towards the success of this year’s Adult Harvest thanksgiving of the church